Classic Pergola

The word pergola is derived from the Latin word “pergule” meaning fringe. Pergola, which is used for canopy in Italian, is an awning process performed to create a canopy by closing the openings horizontally, twisted and in the form of a roof. Classic pergola systems are one of the most common examples. It is mounted on a flat surface and supported by carrier legs. It is generally used in restaurants, cafes and areas where wide ope- nings are covered. Thanks to its groove profiles, it discharges water. In addition, it offers a brigh- ter environment with its lighting elements. The most common areas of use are hotels, cafes, restaurants, private businesses, and residential buil- dings.

Double Opening Pergola

Double Opening Pergola consists of two pergola systems. These pergola systems lean against each other with steel leg fasteners and open up as a cover system in larger areas. It works without front support legs with the help of han- gers extending from the footed connection element to the rails. In this way, wider opening and clo- sing areas are captured. It mostly covers large volumes in activity areas and is used in parts of residential buildings such as gardens and terraces.

Radial Pergola

Double Opening Pergola consists of two pergola systems. These pergola systems lean against each other with steel leg fasteners and open up as a cover system in larger areas. It works without front support legs with the help of han- gers extending from the footed connection element to the rails. In this way, wider opening and clo- sing areas are captured. It mostly covers large volumes in activity areas and is used in parts of residential buildings such as gardens and terraces.

Double Opening Radial Pergola

Double Opening Radial Pergola consists of two radial pergola systems. These pergola systems lean against each other with steel leg fasteners and open up as a cover system in larger areas. It works without front support legs with the help of hangers exten- ding from the footed connection element to the rails. In this way, wider opening and closing areas are captured. It mostly covers large volumes in activity areas and is used in parts of residential buildings such as gardens and terraces.

Vaulted Pergola

Vaulted Pergolas are pergola sys- tems that are preferred to create a wider and more spacious impressi- on, especially in low ceiling areas. It is possible to cover large areas with half oval and full oval alterna- tives. It differs from other pergola sys- tems due to the use of a bent rail profile. It is often preferred due to the aesthetic appearance given by its oval profiles. Large gathering areas, terraces and gardens are among the common usage areas.

Decorative Pergola

The Decorative Pergola stays stan- ding by being attached to the surface on which it rests, with an oval support element, without the need for front support legs. It is known as a decorative pergola due to its simple and stylish visua- lity. You can create larger and more suitable volumes in your own living spaces with decorative Pergola instead of a classical shade system that serves as a cover in your usage areas.

Hanger Pergola

Suspended Pergola Systems are pergola systems that work with hangers extending from the buil- ding element to which they are mounted without front support legs. The number of hangers incre- ases in direct proportion to the opening and width dimensions and strength is provided. As with other pergola systems, lighting and color options are available.

Double Opening Hanger Pergola

Double Opening Suspended Per- gola consists of two pergola sys- tems. It is a pergola system that works with hangers extending from the building element to which it is mounted without front support legs. The number of han- gers increases in direct proportion to the opening and width dimen- sions and strength is provided. As with other pergola systems, lighting and color options are available.

Pergola Awning Systems Details



Rail Head



Water Drain


Rain Sheet



Casette Awning

The cassette awning is separated from other awning models by the cassette mechanism. This product, which has different features from other awning models, has a cover design that protects the fabric in case the awning is closed, thanks to its cassette structure. In this way, the awning fabric is not expo- sed and becomes protected aga- inst external factors. Thus, it provi- des the advantage of longer usage. At the same time, the mini- mum area coverage does not spoil the facade aesthetics when in closed position. The cassette awning is supported by aluminum profiles and plates and can be opened and closed automatically or manually. Fabric and lighting options are available.

Wintent Awning

Wintent is an awning model that has a wide application area and provides aesthetic and comfortab- le shading. It has a wide range of uses, especially in homes and workplaces.

Wintent can move up to 0-180 °. In this way, it can be adjusted accor- ding to daylight and seasonal conditions at every desired inter- val, and shading is provided accor- ding to need.

In addition to its functionality with its elegant and stylish design, it provides an advantage in catching a modern style in spaces. Thanks to its modern casing design, it maintains its aesthetic appearance by occupying less space even when it is closed.

Hinged Awning

The articulated awning is one of the most common awning models because it offers ease of use and is relatively more economical. Thanks to its hinge function, its back and forth movement can be adjusted, providing shadow areas in places with narrow maneuve- ring areas. Hinged awnings can be manufactured with the help of an arm or optionally with a motor. Residences, workplaces, small businesses are among the most common usage areas. The opening can be increased as much as possible when the usage areas allow. Its slope is determined at the assembly stage.

Belted Awning

It works thanks to the bellows awning system. It is often used in areas such as hotels, concept res- taurants, cafes in terms of the style it creates in the areas used. It is long-lasting with its stainless bellows system and acrylic fabric feature. It is an awning model that can help you create your own style with the desired color naming, fabric and fabric printing options.